Expand your mind. Open your heart. Activate your soul.
A monthly creativity workshop, launched January 2024
Designed to connect your mind, body and spirit with imagination and play.
September 25th session is Postponed to a future date.
Stay tuned for when Teresa Klan will guide us to contemplate what it is you want to create in your life. What would you like to experience and have happen? Consider your relationships, family, finances, career &/or purpose work, health, service work, spirituality, personal development, travel, housing, community .
Now dig deeper, go inside and instead of focusing on the externalized form of your visions (what your 'wish list' may look like), identify what it is you are truly wanting to create: the feelings, sensations, emotions and energetics.
Explore what they mean or look like to you. Be as specific as you can. DREAM into the picture of you living your vision. How do it feel? What does it look like? Is it really what you were expecting or want? Does the DREAM truly reflect you living in alignment with your values and virtues?
You’ll be invited to make any re-definitions and adjustments to re-frame your vision as needed. Create your board reflecting the feeling tones you desire! Flow with it organically, allowing your Creator/Creatrix self freedom of expression to explore your rich inner dimensions. Be open and flexible, engage with the process, and have fun!
Register by emailing sheri@victoriatruthcentre.org
Suggested love offering to cover supplies $20
Every 4th Wednesday of the month inside VTC’s sanctuary.