AR Connection Games
On 1st & 3rd Sunday’s monthly, we host Authentic Relating Victoria for human connection games, facilitated by Robbie, Bernice and Sheri on a rotating schedule from 6:30 - 9:00pm.
September 15th - hosted by Robbie
What's in the way of your authentic expression?
Through understanding our barriers, maybe we can see that they are not so mysterious and seemingly insurmountable, but a very innate, relatable, experience of being human. Perhaps, we may even find the courage to step beyond them...
Please arrive between 6:15 - 6:30pm
Door will close shortly after to maintain the integrity of the container.
Authentic Relating Games 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Participation contribution is $25.
Scholarship seats available to those with less resources. Please contact event host (Robbie).
E-transfer in advance:
Intention of our Authentic Relating practice together:
Authentic Relating is the space to reveal one's truth, to be truly vulnerable. It's an opportunity to learn and practice how to listen to another deeply and to be heard deeply, to see and be seen. It contains revealing what comes up in the present moment with another, beyond the norms of social interaction. Doing so has the capability of bringing forth rich, revealing, nourishing, and engaging experiences with other humans.
We'll start with a meditation and context setting using the 5 practices from ART International. From there we play a unique mix of relating games that involve sharing and listening in groups of 2-5 people and sometimes up to the whole group.
Bring a friend or invite anyone whom you think may be interested. This event is friendly for absolute beginners who want to explore relating and connecting more deeply with others. It is also friendly for those more experienced in connective practices who want to deepen their practice.
About your Facilitator:
Robbie started practicing and facilitating Authentic Relating five years ago and founded what is now the AR community in Victoria. He has completed level 1 & 2 trainings with ART International and facilitated AR at various festivals and events around the coast. His 8-months living at a vipassana meditation centre and over 2000 hours of meditation practice have gave him groundedness and clarity of presence to hold space for others in these intentional relational containers. Through relational practices, he enjoys experiencing and sharing a more rich, transparent, uninhibited, and engaging way of connecting with others.